03 January 2011

Blood cries out from the ground

Blood cries out from the ground.
Today our society refers to it as homicide and continues to record theses cases that occur daily.
Genesis 4:1-11, Biblical account of first recorded murder. This act of violence disturbed the peace of a new community and wrecked havoc in the lives of the victim's parents, Adam & Eve

Jonathan Carmichael, 24, lost his mother Tonia. Her body was found on the property of suspected serial killer, Anthony Sowell. Tonia's body was the first to be identified in what locals soon dubbed the Cleveland house of horrors. Her remains were unearthed from a shallow grave in the backyard, decayed beyond recognition, except for plastic jewelry falling off her skeletal fingers. They were all black women with ties to the quiet neighborhood of Mount Pleasant in the eastern part of Cleveland. They were all mothers, some grandmothers, some second cousins. Almost all struggled with a drug addiction at some point in their lives. Court records show many resorted to stealing and some turned to prostitution to support their habits. How could 11 women in the same town disappear over two years without public notice?
Police believe the women were easy prey for Anthony Sowell, a convicted sex offender who served 15 years for the attempted rape of a woman in 1989. Sowell, now 51, had moved to the home on Imperial Avenue in 2005, after his release from prison.
He has been charged with 11 murders, two rapes, one attempted rape and more than 70 other related charges. He has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity and is scheduled to go to trial in February 2011, according to the prosecutor's office.
Above account is excerpt written by CNN reporter, Stephanie Chen (go to CNN.com for more on this gruesome killing spree).

I bring this extreme example of killing to highlight man's error when he ignores God. In the Biblical account regarding Cain, his punishment was great, no longer could he be successful as a farmer. He was also marked, physically, so that anyone in contact with him would know his reputation. Genesis 4:15. Cain would not be executed or imprisoned but he would become a fugitive and drifter. Why did Cain run? Why did he not repent and beg for God's mercy and forgiveness? More about this to come later.